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Kids Science Projects & Experiments
Science Fair Projects
by Science Made Simple

Science Projects & Experiments

Easy home and school science projects for kids. Great for distance learning and homeschooling.

static electricity

You get science articles, and ideas & instructions for great experiments you can do just using things found around the house.

Science Projects including:

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Science Articles

Summer is here. Now is a great time of year to get outside and rediscover science.

Learn why is the sky blue? Why is the sunset red?

why is the sky blue

Science Articles include:

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School Science Fair Projects

When it's time for your school science fair project - Don't Panic! Just follow these simple step-by-step instructions to create your winning entry!

plant seedlings experiment

Pick Your Topic

The first step is choosing the right science fair project idea, based on your interests and abilities.

Design & Perform Experiment

After you decide on a topic, the next steps are planning and performing your experiment.

Analyze & Present Results

Finally, you must reach conclusion about your experiment and prepare a presentation of the results.

science fair display board